Monitoring and analytics has been an issue for Serverless systems since they were invented. While it’s easy to attach an agent like NewRelic or DataDog to a server or container, function monitoring requires a different approach. Serverless applications, where logic is distributed over a large amount of functions, attaching agents or wrappers leads to cost increase and development overhead. To provide insights into FaaS architectures, Dashbird collects all your CloudWatch logs and extracts meaningful and actionable metrics from that.

The service takes advantage of the fact that Lambda functions emit logs with a lot of useful, pre-formatted, information. With smart parsing, it provides time-series metrics for invocations, memory usage, durations, while also sorting displaying invocation separately. Every piece of data is then culminated into a single Dashboard, that offers a bird’s eye-view to the entire system, and points out problematic areas. It also acts like an error-alerting system, by recognizing exceptions, runtime errors, configuration problems and timeouts.

Dashbird requires minimal effort to set up and has no cost effect to your AWS bill. Onboarding requires a delegation to your AWS account, that allows the service to get basic data about Lambda functions and collect their logs from CloudWatch.


Main dashboard

#aws lambda

Log based monitoring for AWS Lambda
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