Tailwind CSS Color Alpha: Customize Your Colors with Opacity

Automatic alpha variants for your Tailwind CSS colors based on your opacity config


Tailwind only supports opacity but sometimes you need to apply semi-transparent background/border or text.

You could tweak your Tailwind configuration like this

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    colors: {
      primary: "#2b2e4a",
      "primary-10": "rgba(43,46,74, 0.1)",
      "primary-20": "rgba(43,46,74, 0.2)",
      "primary-75": "rgba(43,46,74, 0.75)",
      // ...
    // ...

But it's repetitive, confusing and error prone. We can do better.


npm install --save-dev tailwind-color-alpha

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [require("tailwind-color-alpha")()],

The plugin will automatically use your colors and opacity config to generate all the corresponding rgba values for your text, background, border, fill and stroke utility classes respecting your variant settings for each.


module.exports = {
  theme: {
    colors: {
      primary: "#2b2e4a",
    opacity: {
      "25": ".25",
      "50": "0.5",

The configuration above yields the following utilities:

.bg-primary-alpha-25 {
  background-color: rgba(43, 46, 74, 0.25);
.bg-primary-alpha-50 {
  background-color: rgba(43, 46, 74, 0.5);
.text-primary-alpha-25 {
  color: rgba(43, 46, 74, 0.25);
.text-primary-alpha-50 {
  color: rgba(43, 46, 74, 0.5);
.border-primary-alpha-25 {
  border-color: rgba(43, 46, 74, 0.25);
.border-primary-alpha-25 {
  border-color: rgba(43, 46, 74, 0.5);
.hover\:text-primary-alpha-25:hover {
  color: rgba(43, 46, 74, 0.25);
.focus\:text-primary-alpha-50:focus {
  color: rgba(43, 46, 74, 0.5);

/* and more... */

Notice that a color named red.default will end up generating text-red and so we follow Tailwind's convention with bg-red-alpha-${opacity}

Download details:

Author: soueuls
Source: https://github.com/soueuls/tailwind-color-alpha

License: MIT license

#javascript #tailwindcss 

Tailwind CSS Color Alpha: Customize Your Colors with Opacity
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