GitHub introduced their own CI server solution called  GitHub Actions. You will learn how to set up your Ruby on Rails application on GitHub Actions with YAML config file. To run your RSpec test suite faster you will configure parallel jobs with matrix strategy on GitHub Actions.

Automate your workflow on GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows with world-class CI/CD. Building, testing, and deploying your code right from GitHub became available with simple YAML configuration.

You can even create a few YAML config files to run a different set of rules on your CI like scheduling daily CI builds. But let’s focus strictly on how to get running tests for Rails app on  GitHub Actions.

Setup Ruby on Rails on GitHub Actions with YAML config

In your project repository, you need to create file

.github/workflows/main.yaml Thanks to it GitHub will run your CI build. You can find results of CI builds in Actions tab for your GitHub repository.

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How Parallel Github Actions Jobs Can Run Your RSpec Tests Faster in Ruby on Rails App
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