React.js is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. The 2019 “State of JavaScript” survey puts React as the front-end framework of choice, with 72% of responders stating that they have used it and would use again.

With its elegant programming style, rich package ecosystem and good documentation, React has found its way into powering the applications of large enterprises. Specifically, the developer survey found that 18% of responders who are using React work for companies with over 1000 employees.

As we know, the very nature of JavaScript means it can’t be encrypted and can easily be accessed on the client-side or even tampered with.

Because React powers enterprise-grade applications, it requires an enterprise-grade security solution such as Jscrambler.

This tutorial will explain how to integrate Jscrambler seamlessly into React’s build process in just a few minutes. You’ll learn how to protect your React source code with the most advanced polymorphic obfuscation techniques, along with code locks and self-defensive capabilities.

#javascript #security #react.js #js

Protecting Your React.js Source Code With Jscrambler
3.00 GEEK