Express.js is a server framework for the Node.js web application that is designed especially to create a single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications. For node.js, this has become the standard server system. Express is the backend portion of a component known as the MEAN stack.

The MEAN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for developing interactive web sites and web apps which has the below aspects;

  1. MongoDB – The standard NoSQL database
  2. Express.js – The default web applications framework

ExpressJS is a prebuilt Node.js framework that can enable you to develop quicker and intelligent web applications on the server-side. Some of its features are accessibility, minimalism, versatility, usability, and since it is created in NodeJS itself, its efficiency has also been acquired from NodeJS.


To sum up, whatever it is that Bootstrap does for HTML/CSS and responsive web design, ExpressJS does for NodeJS.

It made programming in Node JS a cakewalk and gave developers some extra features to expand their programming on the server-side. ExpressJS is the most popular Node JS framework till now.

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What Are The Reasons To Learn Express.js in 2021?
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