This set of Angular interview questions will certainly be helpful for your interview, and also a recap of Angular.

Angular has become one of the most popular frameworks for building front-end web applications. This set of Angular interview questions will certainly be helpful for your interview, but before we get into that, let us quickly recap about Angular.

What Is Angular?

You would think, Ah… Yet another framework to learn. But Angular is genuinely different. You will enjoy learning this TypeScript based open-source front end web application framework. Before I tell you more, let me clear that Angular is different from AngularJS but has been done by the same Google team who did AngularJS. It was initially developed as a Single Page Application (SPA), but then better tools like React and Vue were released, so Angular had to be made into something more – if it was to be what it is today!

This frontend framework has loads of reusable and robust components, and you can write clean, maintainable code with that. In 2018, Angular was ranked as the second most used technology, the first one being Node.js. The real power of Angular came with its version 4, which offered backward compatibility, faster compilation, more reusability leading to less coding, better libraries for HTTP requests, conditional disabling of animations, and much more.

Angular is based on HTML, CSS, and TypeScript and is a great platform to build both desktop and mobile applications.

Wait… what?

But I recently read somewhere that browsers do not support typeScript!

Yes, the TypeScript is converted into another language (JavaScript). This process is called transpilation (and not compilation).

Angular is also called Angular 2+. Since Angular is based on TypeScript, it accommodates all the features of JavaScript as well as TypeScript.

Why Angular?

Now comes the critical question.

Angular comes with a host of benefits and features that are apt for enterprise applications and websites that have a lot of dynamic content or multiple workflows. Whether it is exhaustive documentation, or the extensive support by Google, or component-based architecture (from version 2), Angular has all you can ask for from a web development framework. Some reasons why you should use Angular are –

  • Great support by Google, thus making the platform user-friendly and trustworthy.
  • A component-based architecture where the application is divided into functional and logical components that are independent of each other. Parts can be decoupled, replaced, or reused easily. This type of architecture also ensures easier testing at each stage.
  • A lot of reusable code and third-party components are available, thus improving productivity.
  • The code is rendered faster because it gets converted from TypeScript (or HTML) to JavaScript during the build process itself. This is called the Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation.
  • Command Line Interface (CLI) – CLI facilitates development in the most efficient way. You can create a new project, add your functionalities, and test them quickly. Further, initialization and configuration become easy too.
  • Angular six allows adding custom elements to web apps built with other environments like React, Vue, jQuery, etc.…
  • Angular six also included an Ivy renderer that translates components and templates into JavaScript by rendering. During the process, any unused code is removed, thus making web apps load faster.
  • Angular Universal that is used for server-side rendering, helps increase the number of users on the website and faster loading of pages.
  • Excellent documentation and support community

How to Crack Angular Interview?

Just relax. Angular is very easy, and if you have hands-on experience, you would be able to answer most of the questions. There are no tricky questions in Angular. In the Angular interview itself, you might be asked some questions about TypeScript as well. Additionally, you can share your experience of working with Angular.

Sometimes, there may be subjective questions like, what other technologies have you worked with, comparison between two techniques built for the same purpose from your perspective (for example, which one was more comfortable, which one had a better learning curve etc…) or even your personal opinion about which is your favorite technology out of the ones you have worked.

The answer depends on your individual experience, and this is where you can gain that extra edge. The more personalized experience you share, the more interested the interviewer will be in asking you further questions. The questions below are purely technical, and sometimes your answer will naturally lead to the next question.

Angular Interview Questions

Question: What Is Angular/What Do You Know About Angular?

Answer: If you have mentioned Angular in your resume, indeed, this will be the first Angular question you will be asked.

Angular is an open-source, front-end web development framework based on TypeScript. It is most suited for developing enterprise web applications because the code is reusable and maintainable. Angular started as a SPA (Single-Page-Application) framework and now supports dynamic content based on different users through dependency injection. YouTubeTV is the most popular company that uses Angular.

Question: What Is the Purpose of Angular?

Answer: The purpose of using Angular is to create fast, dynamic, and scalable web applications with ease, using components and directives.

Question: What Are the Essential Building Blocks of Angular?

**Answer: **

  1. The concept of Angular is based around Components, which is the first building block. Components follow tree structures where the App component is the root component. A component encapsulates the logic of the view, data, and the HTML mark-up. Every app must have at least one part. The more the parts of smaller sizes, the better is the readability of the code.
  2. Module, the second most crucial building block is a container that groups related components. The default module in an application is the app module. Blades should be small in size and have related components.

The other essential building blocks of Angular are:

  • Templates: Templates are written in HTML and contain Angular elements and attributes. Models provide a dynamic view to the user by combining information from the controller and view and rendering it.
  • Directives: Directives allow developers to add new HTML syntax, that is application-specific. The behavior is essentially added to the existing DOM elements.
  • Services: Rather than calling the Http service, Angular allows for the creation of new service classes. When new Services are created in Angular, they can be used by different components.

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