I used Tailwind CSS to build my latest product landing page and decided to do a Tailwind Crash Course! It’s the hottest option available for styling your applications. It is based on a series of utility classes that you can use and almost never have to write a custom line of CSS yourself.

Product Page - https://youtubefordevelopers.com/
Beginner Tailwind (the best course for learning Tailwind 🔥!!) - http://bit.ly/beginnertailwindjqq

[00:00] - Intro
[01:15] - What We’ll Build
[02:00] - The Hero with CSS Grid
[12:10] - Tailwind Apply
[12:50] - Responsive Design
[14:22] - Section 2
[16:19] - Full Width Section
[17:45] - Section 3 with Flexbox
[24:00] - Section 4 with Custom Blockquote
[27:50] - Section 5 Custom Callout

#tailwindcss #css #web-development #programming #developer

Tailwind CSS Crash Course - How I Built My New Product Landing Page
2.00 GEEK