Partial Views or Pages]( are primarily used as a means of including reusable snippets of HTML within one or more Razor Pages. This walkthrough illustrates how to take advantage of the power of the Razor templating system used by partial pages to generate HTML for other purposes, such as the body of a mail message.

The sample application to demonstrate this is built using Visual Studio Code, and assumes that you have the C# extension added, but the sample will work in Visual Studio too.

  1. Create a folder in a suitable location and name it RazorPartialToString.

  2. Open the folder within VS Code and bring up the terminal by pressing Ctrl+'.

  3. Create a new Razor Page application by typing dotnet new razor. Whenever you get a message “Required assets to build and debug are missing… Add them?”, click Yes.

#string #python #csharp

Rendering A Partial To A String In Razor Pages
1.20 GEEK