UI component library based on Vue3.0+TypeScript


UI component library based on Vue3.0+TypeScript


Open the terminal and run the following commands:

npm install oreo-neuui


yarn add oreo-neuui

start using

Please install this component library first

Then write the following code in your code

import { OrButton, OrTabs, OrSwitch, OrDialog, openDialog } from "oreo-neuui"

You can use the components I provided

Vue single file component

Code example


import { OrButton, OrTabs, OrSwitch, OrDialog, openDialog } from "oreo-neuui"

export default {
  components: {OrButton}


For detailed tutorial, please check the official document

Download Details:

Author: GHkmmm

Demo: https://ghkmmm.gitee.io/oreo-neuui/

Source Code: https://github.com/GHkmmm/oreo-ui

#vue #vuejs #javascript

UI component library based on Vue3.0+TypeScript
10.25 GEEK