Semantic HTML is a great way to convey meaning of your page. Mark up abbreviated content with the <abbr> tag. And when you pass a title, it will create a tooltip when hovered over. Nice! πŸ‘

<abbr title="Today I learned">TIL</abbr> something awesome!

Table of Content

βˆ’ Default Styling

βˆ’ Styling abbr Tag

βˆ’ Battle between abbr VS acronym βš”οΈ

βˆ’ Mixing abbr with dfn

βˆ’ Why Semantic HTML is important

βˆ’ Display HTML abbr on Mobile

βˆ’βˆ’ Solution 1: Display Non-abbreviated Term

βˆ’βˆ’ Solution 2: Display Non-abbreviated Term with Tap

βˆ’βˆ’ Solution 3: JavaScript Tooltip

βˆ’ Browser Support

βˆ’ Resources

Default Styling

The default styling of <abbr> varies a bit from different browsers. In Chrome and Firefox, it will have an underline and when hovered it will a tooltip of the title value you passed.


HTML abbr Tag: Default Styling
1.60 GEEK