Build 19+ JavaScript Projects from Scratch with Code Included

Build 19+ JavaScript projects from scratch with code included, from simple to complex. Learn JavaScript by building fun and useful projects, and start creating your own amazing stuff today.

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JavaScript Projects for Beginners

1. Mouseover Element

Why do this project?

  • You’ll see how JavaScript functions work and practice your JavaScript logic
  • It’s a fun beginner JavaScript project to do to liven up your user experience
  • Learn more about using random, functions, and event listeners.

colorful dots on a blue background

Mouseover Element Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Functions and if-else statements
  • Random
  • Event listeners

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from CodePen.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that when you hover your mouse over a colored ball, it gets bigger.

2. JavaScript Clock

Why do this project?

  • You get hands-on with the kind of actual work you’ll be doing as a JavaScript developer
  • You’ll apply key JavaScript concepts and have an adorable project for your portfolio
  • Practice concepts like variables, conditional logic, and date API

lolcat meme on a Skillcrush pink background with clock elements

JavaScript Clock Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Variables
  • Conditional logic
  • Program flow
  • Functions
  • Event listeners(opens in a new tab)
  • Date API(opens in a new tab)
  • DOM elements(opens in a new tab)

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from CodePen.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that every time you click the “Party Time!” button in the time range that you specify, you get a different LOLcat. You can set different times to see different images — there are four images total.

3. Magic 8 Ball

Why do this project?

  • It gives you a solid foundation for how to use Math.random to produce randomized results for JavaScript projects
  • You can use this project to impress your friends and make small life decisions
  • Learn more about how to use the random function, nested functions, and event listeners

Magic 8 Ball with hands on a light pink background

Magic 8 Ball Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Math.random
  • Nested functions
  • Event listeners

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from GitHub for HTML and CSS.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can grab the 8 ball, ask it a question, shake it, and have the 8 ball respond with a somewhat enigmatic, somewhat applicable answer.

4. To-Do List

Why do this project?

  • You’ll beef up your skills at coding interactive lists, which lets users add, remove, and group items
  • You can use this beginner JavaScript project in your daily life and add it to your portfolio
  • Learn more about how to use arrays, nested functions, and local storage API

work to do list on a turquoise background

To-Do List Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Local storage API(opens in a new tab)
  • Arrays
  • Nested functions(opens in a new tab)
  • Event listeners
  • DOM manipulation

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from CodePen.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can add new items and use the buttons to toggle completed items, edit items, or delete items.

5. Epic Mix Playlist

Why do this project?

  • It helps you practice core JavaScript skills, such as forEach loops and event listeners, and work with functions and lists
  • You can use this project to show people looking at your portfolio your great taste in music
  • Learn more about how to classList, innerHTML, forEach, and template literals

the words "epic mix" with a "show me" button on a dark purple background

Epic Mix Playlist Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Array loops (forEach)
  • document.createElement
  • Append to an array
  • Template literals

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from CodeSandbox.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can create an auto-generated list of your favorite songs and their indexes.

6. Pet Rescue

Why do this project?

  • It gives you a solid foundation for understanding factory function patterns and parameters
  • You can use this project to contribute to pet rescues or display inventory for products on a ecommerce site
  • Learn more about how to use factory functions, parameters, methods, and objects

"Sharon's Pet Rescue" text with light purple button and cat image on a white background

Pet Rescue Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Factory functions
  • Object methods and properties

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from CodeSandbox.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can accept an animal’s name, species, and energy level as a parameter and indicate each animal’s status (whether they are sleeping or awake).

7. Drum Kit

Why do this project?

  • You can see the interaction between seeing elements on the page and listening to sound and learning how to add and remove elements
  • You can use this project to practice your drum skills with your JavaScript skills
  • Learn more about how to use audio tags and document.querySelector

Grey keyboard letters on a white background

Drum Kit Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Arrays
  • Event Listener
  • Audio tags
  • document.querySelector
  • Class

What to do:

  • Clone the GitHub repo.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can play the drums by pressing specific keys in the browser.

8. Speech Detection

Why do this project?

  • It gives you a basis for understanding how speech detection works, which is good (and very cool!) to know
  • You’ll have a nifty notetaking method straight in your browser
  • Learn more about speech recognition, text content, and event listeners

white notebook paper in front of yellow background

Speech Detection Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Window.SpeechRecognition
  • Arrays
  • .textContent
  • Event listeners

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from GitHub.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that when you speak, whatever you say is transcribed on the lined paper on your screen.

9. Sticky Navigation

Why do this project?

  • It teaches you how to keep your elements in a fixed position on a page, which is a skill you might need in your front end developer role
  • You can use this to upgrade the design of your website or portfolio
  • Learn more about how to use query electors, event listeners, and offsetting

Blog header with water background on top of blog page

Sticky Navigation Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • .querySelector
  • .offsetTop
  • Event listeners

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from GitHub.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that when you scroll up or down the page, your navigation bar remains in a fixed and visible position.

10. Geolocation

Why do this project?

  • You can learn more about how to develop for mobile, how geolocation works, and how to test your code using simulators or a different device
  • You can use this project in your daily life (if you get lost easily)
  • Learn more about how to use query selectors, watch position, and coordinates

white compass on black background

Geolocation Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • .querySelector
  • .watchPosition
  • .textContent

What to do:

  1. Copy the source code from GitHub.
  2. Install packages with npm and run your local server.
  3. Implement the JavaScript code so that you see your location in real time. You will need iOS or an iOS simulator to test whether or not your code works.

11. Movie App

Why do this project?

  • It gives you a solid foundation of how JavaScript works with HTML, CSS, and other tools
  • You can use this project to make your own custom movie app
  • Learn more about how to use JavaScript with jQuery, Bootstrap, and API calls

Window with the poster for The Fate of the Furious and movie times

Movie App Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • API calls
  • Functions
  • On click event(opens in a new tab)

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from GitHub.
  • You’ll need to get yourself an API key!
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can make your own movie app that lets you view the most popular movies, sort them by genre, and search for other movies.

12. Name Tags

Why do this project?

  • As a beginner JavaScript project, it lets you practice using React to create a practical and useful tool
  • You can use this project to hone your React skills and key concepts
  • Learn more about how to handle user input, work with stateful components, and render array data models

12 red name tag stickers with names on them

Name Tag Generator Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Handling user input
  • Stateful components
  • Render array data models

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from CodeSandbox.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can build a text box and button to let users input text and have it respond to the input by generating a new name tag!

Intermediate JavaScript Projects

13. Tone.js

Why do this project?

  • You’ll learn how to create interactive web browser music with advanced scheduling capabilities, synths and effects, and intuitive musical abstractions built on top of the Web Audio API
  • You can use this project to be your own personal DJ and music producer, for free!
  • Learn more about how to use event listeners, triggerAttack, triggerRelease, and different kinds of synths

grey bars on a white background

Tone.js Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • triggerAttack and triggerRelease
  • Event listeners
  • .querySelector
  • tone.Loop

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from the Tone.js page.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can create interactive music in your own browser.

14. Election Map

Why do this project?

  • It gives you a solid foundation of the difference between JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, especially what JavaScript does and how it does it
  • You can use this project in your daily life and add it to your portfolio
  • Learn more about how to use arrays and nested functions

US election map text with red and blue states and a counter at the bottom

Election Map Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • If-else and function practice
  • Parent-child relationships
  • getElementById

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from JSBin.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can add two candidates running for president and display the number of votes they received from each state, both in a table on the bottom right and when you mouse over a state.

15. Login Authentication

Why do this project?

  • It introduces you to Angular JS and more advanced JavaScript concepts
  • You can see how login authentication works behind the scenes
  • Learn more about how to use function states, app controllers, and dependencies

AngularJS Login Sample text with green login button

Login Authenticator Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • AngularJS
  • State management
  • App controller
  • Dependencies

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from CodePen.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can enter an email address and password, and have the system tell you if the email address is invalid when you press the “Submit” button.

16. Guess the Word

Why do this project?

  • It gives you a solid foundation for methods, creating global variables, and working with event listeners
  • You can use this project as a party game or challenge with your friends and coworkers
  • Learn more about how to use methods, functions, and regular expressions

Guess the Word in a white box with light blue background and an orange Guess button

Guess the Word Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Methods like match(), split(), trim(), and join()
  • Regular expressions
  • .querySelector
  • Event listeners

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from GitHub.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that players start by entering a letter. If they guess correctly, the letter appears in the word. If they guess incorrectly, they learn how many guesses they have remaining. The player can also see which letters they’ve already guessed. The game lets the player know if they’ve already guessed a letter or entered a non-alphabetic character!

17. Terminalizer

Why do this project?

  • It teaches you how to record your terminal screen and share your work with others
  • You can use this project to debug and work on coding projects with friends
  • Learn more about how to use recording files, frame delays, and set idle times

Terminalizer terminal screen with colorful text

Terminalizer Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Recording files
  • Using frameDelay
  • Setting idle time

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from GitHub.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can record your terminal and generate animated GIF images or share web player links.

18. Chat App

Why do this project?

  • It gives you a solid foundation of how JavaScript and its front and back end libraries can be used to create applications
  • You can add this project to your portfolio to show your knowledge of programming concepts as a full stack developer
  • Learn more about how to use ReactJS, NodeJS, and sockets along with JavaScript

blue and white chat application windows with Real Time Chat Application text

Chat App Source Code and YouTube tutorial

Key concepts covered:

  • React
  • Node
  • Sockets

What to do:

  • You won’t be able to clone and run the project straight from GitHub because there is no package.json file, but you can build this using the YouTube tutorial
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can build a real time chat application that lets you send and receive messages using web sockets

19. Tic Tac Toe Game

Why do this project?

  • This project will test your HTML semantics and your JavaScript logic skills
  • You can use this as a practice project and for something to do while your code compiles
  • Learn more about how to use arrays, grid methods, and event listeners

white tic tac toe game on black background with win loss tie record

Tic-Tac-Toe Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Arrays
  • Event listeners

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from CodePen.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that the player can set difficulty level as easy or hard, choose whether to play as X or O, play a game with the computer, have it remember who won or drew, and play again.

20. Hotel Booking App

Why do this project?

  • You’ll get to practice key concepts in JavaScript ES6 and React JSX
  • You can use this project to practice building sites with more functionality and use some of your creativity by making it look really spiffy
  • Learn more about how to manage data flow and manipulate the DOM

hotel booking app screen with room pictures and number of rooms remaining

Hotel Booking App Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • ES6 and React JSX practice
  • Managing data flow
  • DOM manipulation

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from CodePen.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can create a sample booking on a hotel site, complete with filtered search results, room inventory display, and hotel ratings.

Advanced JavaScript Projects

21. Maze Game

Why do this project?

  • It gives you a solid idea of how JavaScript core skills and functions can be used to create interactive games
  • You can put this project in your portfolio and challenge friends
  • Learn more about how to use JavaScript math concepts, create elements, and use loops

Maze game with Pickle Rick and lettuce

Maze Game Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Random and Floor
  • Element creation
  • Loops

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from CodePen.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can get the pickle from one end of the maze to another using the arrow functions (or AWSD) on your keyboard, have it display the number of steps it took to complete the maze, and be able to set the difficulty level.

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Build 19+ JavaScript Projects from Scratch with Code Included
11.00 GEEK