LuaCraft: A Powerful Lua Game Engine

luacraft 1.26

TypeScript definitions for Lua mod for Warcraft III 1.26. Provides declarations of native functions, functions from blizzard.j, constants.


Luacraft is distributed via npm. To connect it to the project - you need to initialize the project and then add the dependency to it by running the following command:

npm install -D luacraft-1.26

You also need to include a type definition in tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
+    "types": ["luacraft-1.26/all"]

If you wish, you can include individual types, which are located on the types path.

Download Details:

Author: kirill-782
Source Code: 
License: MIT

#lua #typescript 

LuaCraft: A Powerful Lua Game Engine
2.10 GEEK