In this article/tutorial, you’re going to learn from soup to nuts how to build a real Azure DevOps release pipeline that automates infrastructure. More specifically, you’re going to learn how to use Azure DevOps to build a continuous deployment pipeline to provision Azure virtual machines.

When you search online, you will find various blog posts, documentation and tutorials on Azure DevOps. All of these items are valuable resources but rarely does one walk you through a real-world scenario. Many skim over the security aspect leaving passwords in clear text for simplicity or an end product that essentially does nothing. Let’s change that.

By the end of this project, you will have a fully-functioning Azure pipeline. From a single GitHub repo commit, it will:

  • Build a temporary Azure resource group
  • Provision an Azure VM via an ARM template
  • Set up said ARM template in a CI/CD pipeline
  • Upon any change to the template, kick off a template validation test
  • Deploy the ARM template to Azure
  • Test the deployed infrastructure
  • Tear down all Azure resources

Let’s dive right in!

#devops #azure

How To Configure an Azure DevOps Pipeline
1.75 GEEK