Easy Online Currency Converter In JavaScript

currencyConverter - javascript currency converter



IE9 and up, Edge, iOS Safari 6+, Chrome 8+, Firefox 6+


The currencyConverter Instance

You may store the instance by assigning the result of an invocation to a variable.

Here are a few ways to do it.

const cc = currencyConverter("#myID", {}); // currencyConverter
const myElement = document.querySelector(".myElement");
const cc = currencyConverter(myElement, {});  // currencyConverter
const instances = currencyConverter(".currencyElm", {});
instances[0] // currencyConverter


Prop name Description Default value Example values
baseAmount Default input amount. 100 20
currencyApi The api which will be used to fetch currency data if "currencyData" prop is not set https://​api.exchangeratesapi.io/​latest https://​data.fixer.io/api/​latest
currencyData Currency values for dropdown. If not provided, it will be fetch through exchangeApi. n/a { AUD: 1.6376, BGN: 1.9558, BRL: 6.0777}
fromCurrency Initial from currency value for for dropdown. "EUR" "INR"
inputFromAmountClass Class name(s) that will be added along with "input-from-amount" to the from amount <input> element. n/a "class1 class2"
inputFromCurrencyClass Class name(s) that will be added along with "select-from-curreny" to the from currency <select> element. n/a "class1 class2"
inputToAmountClass Class name(s) that will be added along with "input-to-amount" to the to amount <input> element. n/a "class1 class2"
inputToCurrencyClass Class name(s) that will be added along with "select-to-curreny" to the to currency <select> element. n/a "class1 class2"
locale Localization data n/a { From: 'Von', To: 'Zu'}
onChange Callback method when data is changed. n/a (data) => console.log(data)
precision Decimal precision for conversation. 4 2
toCurrency Initial to currency value for for dropdown. "USD" "JPY"
wrapperClass Class name(s) that will be added along with "currency-converter" to the main <div> element. n/a "class1 class2"
withText Whether to show currency text. "1 EUR = 1.1608 USD" true false

Sets the input from amount


Sets the select from currency


Updates the currency data


onInit gets triggered when the component is initialized


onChange gets triggered when currency or amount is changed


onDestroy gets triggered when the component is destroyed

Download Details:

Author: shailesh-satariya

Demo: https://shailesh-satariya.github.io/currency-converter/

Source Code: https://github.com/shailesh-satariya/currency-converter


Easy Online Currency Converter In JavaScript
18.35 GEEK