Tntroduction: The year 2020 have many unexpected scenarios. The main concern is about corona-virus (COVID-19) which is spreading on a daily basis in India. So, let’s try to analyse visualise how fast it is spreading.We use Python tool to analyse the data from git.

First, let’s look at the dashboard created by Johns Hopkins University. You can look at the following live dashboard to see the real-time trend. COVID-19 Live Dashboard prepared by ArcGIS .Now, let’s create a similar analysis for India using Python to visualise the most affected states in India due to corona-virus.

ArcGIS Dashboards

COVID 19 Cases

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Figure 1.1: ARC GIS: Cumulative Cases 2020

The global statistic showing the cumulative cases for USA, Brazil, India.The figure 1 chart prepared using ARCGIS software helps us to to present data for Active cases, indicate, rate, case-fatality ratio, testing rate, hospitalisation rate. With the help of data points we understand the global presentation of data points.

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Figure 1.2. Dashboard explaining Global deaths and incidence rate

With help of Figure 1.2 ,the dashboard explains the total incidence rate. The total global deaths showing for each countries. There are 5 tabs with distribution of data. Left side of graph is count of cases by region. Right side of graph is number of recoveries and number of death region wise. The vertical bar chart is presented at the right side corner of the dashboard.

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Python Analysis on Corona-virus data with ArcGIS Dashboards
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