1. Which 2020 Noonie have you been nominated for?

Web Development and Learning To Code

2. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am Jure. I like to teach others how to code and to inspire them that nothing is impossible if you put the effort.

3. Tell us about the things you make / write / manage / build.

I write about how to learn to code and also how to create real projects like my chrome extension WhistleX.

4. What are you most excited about right now?

About the possibilities that this award may bring.

5. What are you worried about right now?

That someone is better than me.

6. What’s the most useful advice you’ve ever given somebody?

To be consistent with anything that he or she is doing.

7. How has the pandemic changed your life and/or career?

It didn’t change much for me, because I work from home as a freelancer.

8. If we gave you $10 million to invest in one thing right now, where would you put it?

In my start up called WhistleX.

9. What’s an opinion you have that most people don’t agree with?

That there is a way to achieve something more than working from 9 to 5 40 years of your life.

10. Which apps can’t you live without?

YouTube, Instagram and Strava

11. What are you currently learning?

I am currently learning Flutter for creating mobile apps.

For much the same reasons Hacker Noon decided not to put good ideas behind pop-ups or paywalls — nor abuse your personal data to target you with creepy ads — we also decided that you don’t have to be a #thinkfluencer or have 50k followers on Twitter to earn the recognition that comes with a 2020 Noonie Nomination.

#noonies #tech-awards #hackernoon-awards #interview #noonies2020 #technology #coding #software-development

"I Like To Teach Others How To Code" - Jure Reljanovic
1.15 GEEK