RTC Flutter SDK of RongCloud

Rongyun Flutter SDK

Git submission specification

  • Set your own user.name and user.email before submitting the code
$ git config --global user.name <英文名>
$ git config --global user.email <邮箱地址>
  • The submission specifications follow: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/
  • Do only one thing for a single submission and describe it clearly in English.
  • Submit code to ensure that it can be compiled and passed without known bugs.
  • The submitted code needs to follow the coding standards, and do not format the code that is not submitted this time, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble when others merge.
  • For bulk format code, to be submitted as a separate, used style: xxxto describe, but do not modify the logic.

Coding Standards:

  • Follow the official code writing specification: https://dart.dev/guides/language/effective-dart/style
  • The unspecified parts in the above documents follow the specifications used by the flutter source code.
  • The IDE formatting auto-wrap distance is set to 120. The default 80 is too strict and not friendly to mainstream displays.

Annotation specification:

  • Uncompleted section used // TODO(git 用户名): 描述will be explained.
  • Known issues with // FIXME(git 用户名): 描述to illustrate.

Download Details:

Author: rongcloud

Source Code: https://github.com/rongcloud/rongcloud-rtc-flutter-sdk

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

RTC Flutter SDK of RongCloud
3.45 GEEK