GitHub is possibly the most famous and widely used open-source platform amongst developers. Launched by Linus Torvalds in 2005, Git is a version control software and collaboration platform that initially only supported Linus kernel.

Git is used as a storage space for the content which is programming code written by different programmers, designers, and  developers. It isn’t necessarily written by a single developer, more often than multiple developers are working on real-life projects. Git eliminates any conflicts and facilitates coordination between developers.

Git is basically a code-hosting platform where there is uninterrupted accessibility to open-source programming frameworks, libraries, and  languages. It hosts the largest community of tech developers in the world.

Git also allows users to store the previous iterations of code in a historical form which can be revisited and reviewed as required. It consists of a branch system to help developers work independently on separate tasks. It also allows you to host a website from your repository.

GitHub’s large base is used to deduce useful insights on programming languages and frameworks. For instance, as per its annual The State of the Octoverse report,  the most popular GitHub project of 2019 was the open-source Microsoft/vscode with 19,100 contributors.

In this article, we will take a look at the installation process of Git, and find out how to use GitHub. So let’s get started!

**How to install Git? **

Step 1: Create an account on GitHub.

Step 2: Getting started on GitHub

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How to Use GitHub? Step-by-Step GitHub Tutorial for Beginners
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