Basic git commands and flows you should know when joining a company.

Yes! You finally got the job. You passed all the technical interviews, displayed amazing soft skills, completed one hell of a technical test, and negotiated your salary like an FBI agent in the middle of a hostage situation.

You stare at the computer, maybe it’s your first day, your third, 8th. The time has come, you have been assigned a ticket.

You are ready for this, but as soon as you open the terminal doubts start creeping in. Hey, it’s your old friend imposter syndrome (you thought you got rid of him). When asked in the interview if you were familiar with version control/git you laughed like the coding god you are and thought “who isn’t”.

But maybe, just maybe you don’t know as much as you thought. Maybe in your last company, that 3 person start-up focused on creating virtual mustaches, there was no need to be compliant with git’s best practices, you were the only front-end and no one really cared, or maybe this is your first job and all you have done are your own projects where even though you started creating branches and writing meaningful commit messages, time went by and you ended up writing “wip” on all your commits and working straight on master.

First of all, don’t panic. This happens to the best of us.

You don’t want to be the guy who asks the basic stuff (believe me, this is way more in your head than in anybody else’s, especially the first few days/weeks). So remember to go through these steps and make sure you are following your new company’s guidelines.


2. Create a new branch

3. Git commit

4. Git rebase

5. Git squash (optional)

6. Git push

#git #javascript #programming #coding

6 Git Steps You Should Remember When Joining A New Company
1.80 GEEK