In this video, we are going to fully explain YOLO or β€œYou Only Look Once” Object Detection.

We will discuss the following in this video:
πŸ•• (0:00:30) Introduction
πŸ•• (0:01:45) Object Detection
πŸ•• (0:05:28) Classification Pipeline
πŸ•• (0:09:07) Sliding Window
πŸ•• (0:12:22) Shift Invariance
πŸ•• (0:13:13) Scale and Rotation
πŸ•• (0:17:30) Training Data
πŸ•• (0:20:34) Multiple Objects
πŸ•• (0:21:18) YOLO Idea
πŸ•• (0:27:04) YOLO Anchor Boxes
πŸ•• (0:32:28) Non-Maxima Suppression

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YOLO Object Detection Explained for Beginners
18.35 GEEK