A. Introduction

The coronavirus outbreak, which was first reported in Wuhan (China) early this year, now affected over 200 countries and caused over 5 lakh deaths. Since its date of origin, its growth seems to be in an exponential manner. In this article lets visualize how this coronavirus affected various parts of the globe.

B. Data Description

  1. First and foremost we need the latest data of coronavirus on various parts of the globe for this, we use data from GitHub.
  2. Since the data contains country names, but we actually need a three-digit ISO 3 code for each country. So we need a python library pycountry to convert the country name to ISO 3 code.

C. Getting ready … Installing libraries

c.1. Installing pycode library

pip install pycode

c.2. Understanding Library

#searching for a country name

Image for post

image by Satya Ganesh (Output of above code snippet)

c.3. Fetching country code

#fetch ISO 3 code ie alpha_3

#output would be 'IND'

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COVID19 Visualization Using Python and Plotly
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