In Tableau, strings or string data, are data made of text. String functions exist to help you manipulate your string data. There about twenty string functions in Tableau. In this article, I am going to introduce you to ten (10) important string functions in Tableau, and how to use them.

You might be wondering “why are string functions so important?” Let’s assume a scenario where you want to pull the first name of all your customers into a new field; a string function will handle that task for you.

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Important String Functions in Tableau
Please note that all the string functions in Tableau are of extreme importance. This article is just exploring 10 of them, and they include:


  1. ASCII
    This returns the ASCII code value of the first character in a string

ASCII ( String )

ASCII (“authors”) = 97
This returns a TRUE if the specified substring is present in the given string.

CONTAINS ( String, Substring )

CONTAINS (“Calculation” , “alcu”)
This returns the position of the specified substring within the given string and returns 0 if the substring is not found.

FIND (String, Substring, [ Start ])

The first character in the string is position 1 (not a 0 index).

FIND (“Calculation”, “alcu”) = 2
If the start argument is defined, any instance of the substring that appears before the start position are ignored

FIND (“Calculation”, “a”, 3 ) = 7
LEFT ( String, num_chars)

This returns the specified number of characters from the start of the given string.

LEFT (“Calculation”, 5 ) = “Calcu”
5. LEN
LEN (String)

This returns the number of characters in the given string.

LEN (“Calculation”) = 11
6. MID
MID (String, Start, [length])

This returns the characters from the middle of a text string given a starting position and a length. The first character in the string is in position 1. If the length is not included, all characters to the end of the strings are not returned.

MID (“Tableau Software”, 9 ) = “Software”
If the length is included, up to that many characters are returned.

MID (“Tableau Software”, 2, 4) = “able”
REGEXP_MATCH ( String , Pattern )

This returns true if a substring of the provided string matches the regular expression pattern.

REGEXP_MATCH ( ‘ - ( [1234] . [ The.Market] ) -’ , ‘\ [\s*(w*.) ( \w*\s*]) ‘ ) = true
REGEXP_REPLACE ( String, Pattern, replacement)

This returns a copy of a given string where the matching pattern is substituted with the replacement string.

REGEXP_REPLACE ( ‘abc123’, ‘\s’, ‘-’ ) = ‘abc–123’
SPLIT ( String , delimiter, token number)

This returns a substring from a string as determined by a delimiter (a separator) extracting the characters from the beginning or end of the string.

SPLIT (‘a/b/c/d’ , ‘ / ‘ , 2 ) = ‘b’
A negative token number can also be used.

SPLIT (‘a/b/c/d’ , ‘ / ‘ , -2 ) = ‘c’
10. TRIM
TRIM (String)

This returns the string with both leading (LTRIM is used for this only ) and trailing (RTRIM is used for this only ) whitespaces removed.

TRIM (“ Budget ”) = “Budget”

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