Firefox Profiler became a cornerstone of Firefox’s performance work in the days of Project Quantum. When you open up an example recording, you first see a powerful web-based performance analysis interface featuring call trees, stack charts, flame graphs, and more. All data filtering, zooming, slicing, transformation actions are preserved in a sharable URL. You can share it in a bug, document your findings, compare it side-by-side with other recordings, or hand it over for further investigation. Firefox DevEdition has a sneak peek of a built-in profiling flow that makes recording and sharing frictionless. Our goal is to empower all developers to collaborate on performance – even beyond Firefox.

Early on, the Firefox Profiler could import other formats, starting with Linux perf and Chrome’s profiles. More formats were added over time by individual developers. Today, the first projects are emerging that adopt Firefox for analysis tools. FunctionTrace is one of these, and here is Matt to tell the story of how he built it.

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Building FunctionTrace, A Graphical Python Profiler
2.35 GEEK