Visual Studio Code has become the most popular source code editor, it is lightweight but powerful. And it is no doubt my favorite.

In this video, I am going to walk you through how to get started and set up visual studio code for web developers.

__________ πŸ”– Tutorial Structure __________

  • Introduction –
    [00:00] - Introduction

– Welcome Tab –
[00:26] - Welcome Overview
[01:04] - Customize Section (Theme)
[01:37] - Learn Section
[02:23] - Emmet

– File Explorer –
[03:19] - File Explorer Overview
[03:35] - VS Code Terminal
[04:30] - Creating a new file and formatting
[05:24] - Settings

– Extensions –
[05:44] - Extensions Overview
[06:07] - Live Sever

– Happy coding –
[6:47] - Happy Coding

#vscode #web-development #programming #developer

VS Code Introduction and Setup for Web Developers in 7 minutes | Visual Studio Code Tutorial 2021
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