Thank you for your interest in the new Azure SDKs! We release new features, improvements, and bug fixes every month. Please subscribe to our Azure SDK Blog RSS Feed to get notified when a new release is available.

You can find links to packages, code, and docs on our Azure SDK Releases page.

Release Highlights

  • Azure Metrics Advisor Client Libraries Beta 1 release. Read more in this blog post: Detect anomalies in your data with Metrics Advisor
  • OpenTelemetry Exporter Azure Monitor client Beta 1 release
  • Azure Core Beta 1 release for Android and iOS
  • Azure Communication Services Chat and Azure Communication Services Common Beta 1 releases for Android and iOS
  • Azure C++ Beta for Core and Storage. Read more in this blog post: Introducing the new Azure SDK for C++ Beta

Release Notes

Azure SDK Blog Contributions

We are open to Azure SDK blog contributions and invite you to be a guest blogger. Please contact us at with your topic and we’ll get you setup.

Azure SDK Links

#azure #programming #developer

Azure SDK Release (October 2020)
1.85 GEEK