When we are developing our services we commonly want a layer that sit between our services (direct comm) and the one who consume our service. That is what commonly deployed as API Gateway and this time I am looking to deploy such service using the Cloud Endpoint in GCP.

In a nutshell,

ESP is a NGINX-based proxy that runs in front of the backend and injects Endpoints functionality such as authentication, monitoring, and logging. ESP retrieves a service configuration from Service Management and uses it to validate incoming requests.

ESP is designed for you to deploy it in a containerized environment and validate JWTs and Google ID tokens. It employs a variety of techniques, such as heavy caching and asynchronous calls to remain lightweight and highly performant. -https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/architecture-overview

That’s being said, ESPv2 which using Envoy based is in Beta right now.

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https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/architecture-overview (20200916)

Several features that we can have from the Cloud Endpoints:

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https://cloud.google.com/endpoints (20200916)

#open-api #api-management #cloud-endpoints #gke #gcp

API Management (Endpoint-OpenAPI) GCP & GKE
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