In this tutorial I share 16 Dart top tips that will improve your coding style as a Flutter developer.

You can use them to write more concise and effective code, and make the most of the Dart language.


  • 00:00 - Intro
  • 00:22 - 1. Dart supports string multiplication.
  • 01:03 - 2. Use Future.wait to execute multiple Futures concurrently
  • 01:32 - 3. Dart callable classes
  • 01:57 - 4. How to invoke nullable callbacks
  • 02:33 - 5. Using anonymous functions and functions as arguments
  • 03:36 - 6. You can use collection-if and spreads with lists, sets AND maps
  • 04:06 - 7. Iterating through a map in a null-safe manner?
  • 04:36 - 8. Use named constructors and initializer lists for more ergonomic APIs.
  • 05:16 - 9. Getters and setters
  • 05:51 - 10. Use underscores for unused function arguments
  • 06:16 - 11. Singletons and private constructors
  • 06:58 - 12. Need a collection of unique items? Use a Set rather than a List.
  • 07:42 - 13. How to use try, on, catch, rethrow, finally
  • 08:27 - 14. Common Future constructors
  • 09:05 - 15. Common Stream constructors
  • 09:57 - 16. Sync and Async Generators
  • 10:46 - Wrap Up

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Top 16 Dart Tips and Tricks Every Flutter Developer Should Know
13.60 GEEK