This article looks at how you can refactor your code using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and Visual Studio Code plugins.

Refactoring improves the code’s internal structure according to best practices or rules without altering the current behavior. You often see development teams plan a refactoring week to evaluate the code architecture and internal structure before starting a new development cycle. It’s important for engineering teams to address technical issues continuously and have regular discussions about maintenance and code quality.

Code refactoring is an important activity to improve the code’s quality and maintainability. It’s much easier to build new features on top of clean code, but it will also benefit you when writing tests.

This article looks at how you can refactor your code using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and Visual Studio Code plugins.

1. Refactoring with Visual Studio Code Shortcuts

First of all, let’s use Visual Studio Code’s native shortcuts to do some basic code refactoring. We’ve created a small code example using JavaScript to help you play around with these functionalities.

There’s an index.js file that contains the business logic. We import a userModule, retrieve a new user object, and convert the user’s name to uppercase.

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4 Tips on How to Refactor Code in Visual Studio Code
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