How to use Spring JMS with ActiveMQ – JMS Consumer and JMS Producer | Spring Boot

Spring JMS (Java Message Service) is a powerful mechanism to integrate in distributed system.
ActiveMq is a Java Open Source, it is simple JMS solution for concurrent, consumers and producers architecture in integrated development.
The tutorial will guide you how to build a simple application with Spring JMS, ActiveMQ.

Related Articles:

I. Technology

- Java 1.8 - Maven 3.3.9 - Spring Tool Suite – Version 3.8.1.RELEASE - Spring Boot: 1.4.0.RELEASE - ActiveMQ 5.14.0 - Docker 1.12.0

II. Overview

1. Goal

springjms-activemq-goal Our goal is to build an application that receives processing message request from REST Client, in our case, a browser, then use Spring JMS API with Jms Template for JMS Producer and JMS Customer, via Connection Factory to interact with ActiveMQ which is run by Docker, and return the response message to Client.

2. Project Structure

springjms-activemq-project-structure - to configure ConnectionFactory - JmsProducer and JmsConsumer autowired JmsTemplate - interface JmsClient with 2 methods: send and receive. - implementation of JmsClient autowired JmsProducer, JmsConsumer, JmsClient should be autowired in WebController and will be used to implement method send/receive message. - WebController is a RestController which has request mapping method for RESTful request, such as produce and receive. - Dependencies for Spring Boot Web, JMS and ActiveMQ are added in pom.xml

3. Step to do

- Create Spring Boot project & add Dependencies - Set up ConnectionFactory - Create JMS Consumer and JMS Producer - Create JMS Client - Create a Web Controller - Run ActiveMQ by Docker - Run Spring Boot Application & Enjoy Result

4. Demo Video

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How to use Spring JMS with ActiveMQ – JMS Consumer and JMS Producer | Spring Boot

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How to use Spring JMS with ActiveMQ – JMS Consumer and JMS Producer | Spring Boot
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