React Native App that Allows users to Create and Study Collections of Flashcards

RN FlashcardsThis app is the final assessment project for Udacity’s React Native course. Create React Native App boilerplate was used to bootstrap other build tools and dependencies for React Native app development.

Starting the App

You will need to have Node 8.10.0 or higher as specified in the version of create-react-app getting started section. The app can be started with the following commands:

npm install
npm start

The npm start command starts the Expo CLI server. Expo app is required to run on Android or iOS.



There are four main views:

  • Main (List of Decks)

  • Add Deck / Add Card

  • Deck Options

  • Quiz

Contributing and Licensing

Any comment or pull request will be greatly appreciated. Licensed under the MIT License and extends the copyright and the license notices of Facebook.

Download Details:

Author: taehyunlim


#react-native #programming #reactjs

React Native App that Allows users to Create and Study Collections of Flashcards
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