Integration tests play a key role in ensuring the quality of the application. With a framework like Spring Boot, it is even easier to integrate such tests. Nevertheless, it is important to test applications with integration tests without deploying them to the application server.

Integration tests can help to test the data access layer of your application. Integration tests also help to test multiple units. For the Spring Boot application, we need to run an application in ApplicationContext to be able to run tests. Integration tests can also help in testing exception handling.

Spring Boot Application

For this demo, we will build a simple Spring Boot application with REST APIs. We will be using the H2 In-Memory database for storing the data. Eventually, I will show how to write an integration test. This application reads a JSON file of vulnerabilities from the National Vulnerability Database and stores it in the H2 database. REST APIs allow a user to fetch that data in a more readable format.

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Integration Testing in Spring Boot Application
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