In this tutorial, we will learn how to create Codeigniter 4 rest API tutorial, you will learn how to create rest API in PHP Codeigniter 4 frameworks.

If you want to exchange data between apps and servers. So that time, you need to rest APIs for exchange data between servers and apps. we will use CodeIgniter 4 Rest API.

So this Codeigniter 4 rest API tutorial will help you to how to create rest API in Codeigniter 4 framework. And how to create, read, update, and delete data from database table using these APIs.

Before you create a rest API and use it in Codeigniter. You can see the architecture of the RESTful API:

[Codeigniter 4] REST API Tutorial With Example - Step By Step

Codeigniter 4 Rest API From Scratch

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create REST APIs from the very beginning in very easy ways.

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How to Create Rest API in PHP Codeigniter 4 Frameworks
4.30 GEEK