Master JavaScript's reduce() method with this definitive guide. Learn everything you need to know, from the basics to advanced techniques. With reduce(), you can perform complex data transformations in concise and efficient ways.

Javascript array reduce() is an inbuilt method that is used to apply a function to each element in the array to reduce the array to a single value. The reduce() function executes the provided function for each value of an array from left-to-right. The return value of a function is stored in an accumulator.

Understanding Javascript array reduce()

JavaScript array reduce() is one of the pioneer function of functional programming. The reduce() method accepts two parameters, the total and the current value. If you want to add all the values of an array, then use the array reduce() function.

It is similar to both  Javascript map() and  Javascript filter() but, it differs in the callback arguments.

The callback now receives an accumulator (it accumulates all the return values. Its value is the accumulation of a previously returned accumulations), a current value, a current index, and finally, the whole array.

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Definitive Guide to Understand Javascript Array reduce()
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