Angular is a very robust, popular web framework primarily used to build single-page applications (SPAs). We, at Flatlogic, often use Angular in developing admin dashboards. You can check out  free angular templates.

In this article, we will speak about open-source Angular 2.x projects. Many developers and companies have closed their AngularJS projects long ago, so it’s not reasonable to start development on this framework anymore.

Before listing the angular open source projects we will describe some of the features of the Angular framework. For example, project types are best suited for. What are the advantages of using Angular? We will also describe some of the open-source community features in Angular compared to Vue and React.

Which projects should Angular be used in?

If you find yourself amidst a complex web project that requires business-logic at the front-end, lots of asynchronous network calls, and a seamless look and feel concerning user experience, Angular is a prime candidate.

Let’s see some specific examples:

**Enterprise web apps. **Angular has all the features needed to develop large-scale projects, as the Angular team claims it.

Apps with dynamic content. Angular is a perfect technology for websites where the content should change dynamically based on user behavior and preferences. Dependency injections ensure that in case one component is changed, other components related to it will be changed automatically.

Progressive web apps. Angular is equipped with built-in PWA support.

Benefits of using Angular

Component-based architecture.

Reusability. Components of similar nature are well encapsulated. In other words – self-sufficient. Developers can reuse them across different parts of an application.

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Top Angular Open Source Projects
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