It’s now even easier to review logs from your GitHub Actions workflow runs. We’ve introduced several improvements to make the experience more performant, precise, and pleasing to use.

Why these changes matter

When we think about successful automation, we aim to spend the least amount of time looking at what’s automated, so we can focus our attention on what’s relevant. But sometimes things don’t go as planned, and we are required to review what happened. That debugging process can be frustrating; that’s why we’re introducing a series of changes that will improve both performance and user experience:

  • Simplified the layout structure
  • Introduced a single and faster virtualized scrolling
  • The search is now more responsive
  • Better ANSI, 8-bit, and 24-bit color support
  • URLs are now interactive
  • A new full-screen view mode
  • A refreshed UI that improves readability and overall interactions

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A better logs experience with GitHub Actions
2.20 GEEK