Our customers have been wanting some more basic, getting started material on taking their on prem applications and moving them to the cloud. This video series does just that. Starting with a simple on prem solution, lifting and shifting and slowly evolving the app through its many stages until it is a 100% cloud native app. Episode 9 will cover security.

Jump to:

  • 00:00 Welcome
  • 00:47 Do we need to worry about security in the cloud?
  • 03:54 What is DevSecOps?
  • 06:59 Dependabot demo
  • 10:47 CodeQL demo
  • 15:07 Azure Security Center
  • 22:17 Back to CodeQL results

#cloud #security

On Prem To The Cloud: Security is Not an Afterthought (Episode 9)
1.80 GEEK