Many companies have adopted Kubernetes recently. However, most of them still do not realize its full potential because the actual Kubernetes usage in these organizations is very limited. Since Kubernetes has evolved dramatically, it is now not only a technology for operations anymore but also non-ops engineers can work with it. For this, Kubernetes adoption should not end here, it rather just starts.

So, it now often makes sense to also include engineers in the Kubernetes adoption process and, as the latest Stack Overflow Developer Developer Survey shows, engineers appreciate it as they both want to work with Kubernetes if they are currently not using it and also like working with after they have started.

An easy way to have more developers start working with Kubernetes is to provide them with self-service namespaces. In this article, I will describe what self-service namespaces are, why they are a game-changer for Kubernetes adoption, and how to get them.


Self-Service Kubernetes Namespaces Are A Game-Changer
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