Bootstrap 5 Alpha 2 is here! Check out the changes

Two days ago the alpha 2 version of Bootstrap 5 was launched introducing dark components, updated documentation navigation, a redesigned close button, position utility classes, and a few minor updates regarding styles.

As a reminder, Bootstrap 5 was launched back on the 26th of June, 2020 bringing huge changes, such as removing jQuery as a dependency, dropping support for Internet Explorer 10, and 11, introducing the Utility API, and lots of changes regarding the Javascript, CSS and HTML markup.

Introducing dark components

This may not come as a surprise, but it is a welcoming update to finally have some more dark components with the most popular CSS framework in the world. For now, there are two more components that are being added with a dark version: dark carousel and dark dropdowns.

Read more at the blog post from Themesberg.

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Bootstrap 5 Alpha 2 is here! Check out the changes
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