In 2018, Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js, presented at JSConf on 10 things he regrets about Node.js. In the presentation, Dahl confessed that he couldn’t change Node.js now - It runs on millions of machines worldwide and is loved by millions of developers. So what do you do when you can’t change the old version? You move some of the letters around and create a brand new language.

"node".split("").sort().join("") // deno

What’s the same as Node.js?

In the 2019 Stackoverflow developer survey, 50.4% of professional developers said they use Node.js. There’s a good reason why so many developers are using Node.js, there is a tone to love about it. While Deno does come with a whole host of new features, it also inherits the good parts of Node.js, such as:

  • Uses the same V8 JavaScript engine under the hood
  • Run TypeScript code
  • Runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows
  • Easy to learn and start building applications with

How is Deno different to Node.js

#deno #node #javascript #typescript #rust

Deno - How is Deno Different to Node.js and Should I Learn it in 2020?
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