In the age of data analysis, Microsoft Excel is still necessary

In recent years, leading companies and organizations are focusing more on content. Businesses are trying to deliver products, services, and content according to the preferences of the customers. But even though the focus is on the final product, the key to achieving that- is the data. Data analysis of the vast amounts of information received daily provides businesses the insights required to understand the market demands and serve the customers accordingly.

Data analysis uses advanced analytics tools like Hadoop, Apache Storm, and DataCleaner. The analytics technology is closely connected to the applications, which manage, analyze, and store the data. One such program, which often goes unnoticed when it comes to the analysis of data, is Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft excel is still relevant in the age of data analysis and advanced technologies. Data scientists who use Excel to store the information are well aware that it is indispensable and is an effective tool.

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Microsoft Excel is Still Relevant in the Age of Data Analysis
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