So you are new to the field of web development and learning JS language. At first, you might find the JavaSript language a little bit overwhelming.

But trust me, once you get a hold of the fundamentals of JavaScript you might find it quite easy. So without further ado let’s begin our journey.

Fundamentals of JavaScript

Today we are going to discuss such ten topics which might help you in the wrong run.

  1. Truthy and Falsy Values:

As we all know if a value is determined as ‘True’ or ‘False’ then it is called a Boolean value. There are also some values that are actually not boolean values but they behave like one.

In that case, these values are called ‘Truthy’ or ‘Falsy’ values. if the values act as ‘True’ it is then called ‘Truthy’. On the contrary, if it behaves like a ‘False” value it is known as a ‘Falsy’ value.

Falsy values:

a. False.

b. NAN

c. Null.

d. Undefined.

e. 0

f. “”

These are ‘Falsy’ values.

Truthy Values:

a. True.

b. [] ( empty array)

c. Any Number.

These are ‘Truthy’ values.

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