Learn how to use Rust to build a Discord Bot to interact with chat commands!

🧐 What’s Inside

  • 0:00:00 - Intro Discord Bot with Rust
  • 0:00:12 - Prince Wilson Introduction
  • 0:01:10 - What to expect and the tools we’ll use
  • 0:02:33 - Starting a new Rust project with rustup
  • 0:07:34 - Debugging and fixing “linking with cc” error preventing compile
  • 0:16:44 - Compiling a rust and using Serenity and Tokio to set up a discord client
  • 0:22:10 - Setting up an event handler to interact with the discord client
  • 0:35:22 - Creating a new Discord bot application and generating a token
  • 0:42:47 - Using a Discord bot token to start the server client
  • 0:46:40 - Adding a message handler and sending a response on command
  • 0:54:13 - Starting to set up a command framework to manage multiple commands
  • 1:04:14 - Outro
  • 1:05:16 - Project review
  • 1:05:54 - CRASH!
  • 1:07:44 - Outro Part 2

#rust #chatbot #discord

Discord Bot with Rust ft Prince Wilson - Colbyashi Maru
2.10 GEEK