Are you aspiring to be a data scientist but not sure what it takes to secure a job? In this article, I am going to outline the expectation of recruiters from the potential candidates in terms of

  • Tools specific knowledge
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills

I will be explaining the ways to acquire experience to meet the job requirement and also about things that could help in improving your success rate in the interview process. If you have a preference for video format check out here —

Before going any further into the article, the details provided in this article are based on analyzing the job posting for data scientist position across a different job portal spanning different countries and trust me the patterns were exactly the same.

What tools are commonly mentioned in the job posting?

There are a number of tools commonly found in data scientist job posting. I will cover both the bare minimum required to meet the expectation and the good to have ones as well.


Almost 70% to 80% of data scientist job postings are requesting candidates with experience in one or more of the below programming languages,

  • Python
  • R
  • SAS
  • SQL

If you are starting to learn data science then it would be preferable for you to choose Python over the other programming languages as it is currently very popular and it has huge community support. Programming skills are really important because a data scientist would spend about 80% of his time analyzing the datasets and it is really important to have good programming knowledge.

I am currently working on a 100 days data science tutorial series using python to cover all the concepts, techniques commonly used by a Data Scientist. If you are interested join the journey below

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What does it take to secure a job as a Data Scientist?
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