Kubernetes (K8s) operators are a great way to deploy and manage your Kubernetes application.

The operator is basically a construct. In a cloud-native environment, anything that can package, deploy, and manage your application in the cloud becomes an Operator.

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Being a developer, it is upto us whether we want to be the operator or let software handle it.

In Kubernetes, we can leverage operators to extend, add, and manage Kubernetes’ specific functionalities and automate administrative tasks as if working with a native K8s component.

There are many useful operators open-sourced by various communities that achieve specific tasks, for example, CoreOS has released Prometheus operator for your cluster monitoring, Etcd operator for managing etcd database cluster in K8s and many more.

For me, it took time to understand how to write an operator from scratch, and after digging through the user guide and going through existing operators, I finally was able to write a simple operator that solves the purpose of log management in our cluster. So here I’ve put down the basic concept of writing a simple operator using CoreOS’s Operator-SDK.

#operator-sdk #kubernetes #fluentd #cloud #log-management #cloud

Writing Kubernetes Operator using Operator SDK
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