This video explains how to set up and use VS Code for C++ and how to make your first program. In the video I use AI to help me code faster and make fewer errors. The AI code completion tool that I use is called Tabnine, and you can get it for FREE here:


  • 00:00 - Intro
  • 01:19 - VS Code vs Visual Studio
  • 01:45 - The AI code completion tool I use to code faster
  • 02:56 - How to setup VS Code for C++ programs
  • 07:39 - How to install the AI code completion tool
  • 08:48 - Make your first C++ program using VS Code
  • 11:37 - Compile and run your first C++ program using VS Code
  • 12:57 - How I use AI to help me code faster

#vscode #cplusplus #ai #artificial-intelligence

How to Set Up VS Code for C++ and Make Your First Program? + How I Use AI To Help Me Code Faster
2.10 GEEK