Azure AD, Active Domain & Seamless Sign On

My aim is to acquire silently an Azure AD token from a Domain joined workstation whose domain is connected to Azure AD through Azure AD Connect.

In order to do that I've built the following scenario:

  • I configured a Windows Server and an Active Domain on it
  • I connected the Active Domain to Azure AD using Azure AD Connect
  • I configured the Seamless Sign-On: in fact, if I use a web-browser from a domain joined machine to navigate to the url'm logged in correctly without user interaction
  • If I use this example in order to obtain an Azure AD JWT Token interactively from a domain joined workstation (using the Textual Prompt) everything works fine
  • If I use the same example in order to obtain an Azure AD JWT Token silently from a domain joined workstation (using the Windows-integrated security - UserCredential) I obtain the following error:
Inner Exception : password_required_for_managed_user: Password is required for managed user

What am I missing?



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