What is JavaScript?

JavaScript as the name clearly states is a scripting language and a lot of beginners mix it with Java let me tell you one thing here they both are different and have no link to each other even remotely. Like car and carpet and have nothing common except for the few words likewise is for JavaScript. Java is server-side language whereas the JavaScript is client- side and server- side language. JavaScript is dynamic and more versatile than Java and is easier to learn.

This client-side language has a lot in it but we’ll learn here about from Web Designing and Development’s perspective.

JavaScript follows camel case format and is strictly case sensitive which means word or code written in capitalizing, lowercase, uppercase so beginner has to be cautious about it. It also follows ECMA specifications.

JavaScript acts as an integral part of the webpage without which yes a webpage can be designed but will not be friendly as this boy here makes it. See a lot of designers use this language because it makes it easier for them on both side I mean on client-side and server-side where Node JS and others come in handy to use.

What are User Defined Objects?

Now coming to the topic well nearly everything predefined in JavaScript is basically the objects I mean literally everything, they all have their prototypes. We use them to store multiple data in a very along with its fields user-defined objects are defined using object literals (these two gentlemen {}) while defining them space and line breaks are ignored.

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JavaScript Objects - A Complete Guide
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