This post shows how to implement Azure AD App roles and applied to users or groups in Azure AD. The roles are used in an ASP.NET Core Razor page application as well as a ASP.NET Core API. The roles from the access token and the id token are used to authorize the identity which is authenticated.

Code: App roles

Create an Azure App registration for Web APP

In this example, a web application will implement authentication and will use a second ASP.NET Core application which implements the user API. Two Azure AD App registrations are created for this, one for each application.

The ASP.NET Core Razor page application is a client which can be authenticated, as well as the identity using the application. It has a trusted back end which can keep a secret. The Azure AD App registration uses a standard web application with a client secret. You could also use a certificate instead of a secret to authenticate the client.

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Implement app roles authorization with Azure AD and ASP.NET Core
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