Wijmo Stock Portfolio is a financial sample that demonstrates the usage of Wijmo Components in an OpenFin application.

The previous version of app represents multiple OpenFin applications each of them is loaded in a separate window allowing the user to organize the desired workspace.

The OpenFin Platform API provides the ability to organize windows & views into logical workspaces out-of-the-box. The new Stock Portfolio App uses OpenFin Platform API. Hence it does not need to run multiple OpenFin applications anymore. The main challenge was to migrate Stock Portfolio App to a single OpenFin applcation. This article is about how it was accomplished as well as is about the new opportunities which opens OpenFin Platform API.

If compare the visual appearance of app with the previous version, the new version is not changed much, and now looks as follows:

Running the Financial App

You can try the app quickly just downloading the distributable and running the app on a Windows machine.

If you are interested how to build the app, please follow these steps:

  1. First install the application from GitHub:

git ``**clone**`` https:``//github.com/GrapeCity/wijmo-openfin-platform-api.git

cd`` wijmo-openfin-platform-api && npm install

  1. Next, build and run the application in development mode:

npm`` start

Running the App as a Non-Developer

If you aren’t a developer and still want to try this application, we published an installer.

Install the app and launch it on a Windows machine. Zero technical expertise required!

OpenFin Platforms Overview

OpenFin Platforms introduces the new abstraction Views. It made possible to separate content from windows. Content (a web application) is loaded into an OpenFin View which is then attached to a window. Views have no windowing functionality of their own. They must be attached to a window, and given bounds relative to that window, in order to display their content. Views are possible to be configured in different arrangements: columns/rows, tabs and grid.

As stated in OpenFin documentation, OpenFin Platforms application has the following architecture:

  • A Platform Controller that exposes functionality for coordinating views and windows.
  • One or more child windows of the controller, which may or may not have a layout of views. A collection of windows is referred to as a snapshot.
  • One or more views, which provide content. They reside as part of a window’s layout.

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New Stock Portfolio App Built on OpenFin Platform API
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