A React Native Module to show Toast Alert

react-native-whc-toast.A react native module to show toast alert, it works on iOS and Android.


  • 1.Run npm install react-native-whc-toast --save
  • 2.import Toast from 'react-native-whc-toast'



Getting started

Add react-native-whc-toast to your js file.

import Toast from 'react-native-whc-toast'

Inside your component’s render method, use Toast:

 render() {
         return (
             <View style={styles.container}>
                 <Toast ref="toast"/>

Then you can use it like this:

1.default display bottom:

 /// alert toast bottom
 this.refs.toast.show('hello toast');
 /// or
 this.refs.toast.showBottom('hello toast');

2.display top:

 /// alert toast bottom
 this.refs.toast.showTop('hello toast');
 /// or
 this.refs.toast.show('hello toast', Toast.Duration.long, Toast.Position.top);

3.display center:

 /// alert toast center
 this.refs.toast.showCenter('hello toast');
 /// or
 this.refs.toast.show('hello toast', Toast.Duration.long, Toast.Position.center);

Basic usage

render() {
        return (
            <View style={styles.container}>
                        this.refs.toast.show('hello toast');
                    <Text>Start Toast</Text>
                <Toast ref="toast"/>

Custom Toast

render() {
        return (
            <View style={styles.container}>
                        this.refs.toast.show('hello toast', Toast.Duration.long, Toast.Position.bottom);
                    <Text>Start toast</Text>
                    style = {styles.toast}
                    textStyle = {styles.text},
                    position = {Toast.Position.bottom}
                    fadeInDuration = {300}
                    fadeOutDuration = {300}
                    duration = {Toast.Duration.long}
                    opacity = {0.9}
                    positionValue = {100}


Position Description
Position.top toast show top
Position.center toast show center
Position.bottom toast show bottom
Duration Description
Duration.short toast default show short duration
Position.long toast default show long duration
Position.infinite toast alway show
Props Type Optional Default Description
style ViewPropTypes.style true {} Custom default toast style
textStyle Text.propTypes.style true {} Custom default toast text style
position Toast.Position true Toast.Position.bottom Custom default toast show position
fadeInDuration PropTypes.number true 300 Custom default toast fade in duration
fadeOutDuration PropTypes.number true 300 Custom default toast fade out duration
duration Toast.Duration true Toast.Duration.long Custom default toast show duration
opacity PropTypes.number true 0.9 Custom default toast fade in or fade out opacity animation
positionValue PropTypes.number true 100 Custom default toast show top, bottom margin
Method Type Optional Description
show(message, duration, position) function true show toast custom position default bottom
showTop(message, duration) function true show toast top
showCenter(message, duration) function true show toast center
showBottom(message, duration) function true show toast bottom
close(isNow) function true hide toast


Issues are welcome. Please add a screenshot of bug and code snippet. Quickest way to solve issue is to reproduce it on one of the examples.

Pull requests are welcome. If you want to change API or making something big better to create issue and discuss it first.

Download Details:

Author: netyouli

GitHub: https://github.com/netyouli/react-native-whc-toast

#react-native #programming

A React Native Module to show Toast Alert
1.70 GEEK